Sunday, October 16, 2011

Working in the shop

Last Friday I worked all day in the shop trying to get an order done before we pack it all up. Here is a video of me working in the shop.

I will be finishing those branding irons hopefully today.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's been goin on.

Hey yall, well I know it has been a while since I have posted any thing on my blog, but I am about to fix that!! LOL
 A couple of weeks ago we found out that the home inspection came through and we sold the farm!!!!! Then about a week later we found another place that we liked and made an offer on it. Thankfully they took the offer and we now have a place to go to.
 The place that we are buying consists of 70 acres, a log house, shop, and a equipment shed. Here are some photo's of it.

                                                            This is the front of the house
                                                                     Here is the pond

                                        And finally my favorite part of the place... Deer stands!!!!
Those are all the photo's I have for now, but I will have more soon.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Some thin different

As yall know, I bought a Toshiba thrive tablet, and now 14 days later it starting messing up. :(  What was wrong was the gps wouldnt work, and the browser would just shut down for no reasone.
So I took it back to Best Buy and instaed of getting another Thrive ( I found out via internet that other folks are having the same problems) I got an iPad! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!