Sunday, July 18, 2010

It finally happened....I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I can remember the first day of first grade and I can remember thinking "There is noooo way that I can endure 12 years of this" Thankfully it only took 11 years, and now I am graduated!!!!!!!!! So here are some photo's of the graduation party that Mom and Dad organized. It was supposed to be a surprise party, but it is hard to keep me from finding out things that are happening around here. LOL Here is the graduation cake that my sister Sherry made for me. It is the coolest cake I have ever seen!!!!
Here is most of the Knight family. I will name them off from left to right, Joel, Prentice, Tiffany, Malachi, and Mr. Knight.

This photo was taken when Junebug and Aunt Sharon gave me Jake!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!

Here is Aunt Pam, Sherry, and Mam-maw.

I don't think Randy was wanting his photo taken.

Here is Scott, Holly, and Braden Cherry, enjoying some of the "graduation grub".

"It is time for a little home made music" So that's what we had for a few hours.

The Thomas family came in just as we finished playing music for the day. which was kinda a bummer because Ben ( you can just barely see his head on the top left of this photo) plays the fiddle.

By the time Ben got his fiddle out, almost every one was gone so we had a private concert.

He get really focused on what he is playing. He has been playing for 7 years now and what he played for us was great!!!!!
After every one was gone I had to go milk, so I had time to reflect on the day that I have waited 11 years for.

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