Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Green House

About 2 weeks ago Dad bought a 25'X50' green house, and the deal was that we had to take it apart and move it by the 4th of July!!!!! Since I will be going to NC again we had to get it down this week.
Thankfully Joel Knight offered to help us get it down. So here are some photo's of us working on it.
     Since we only had 2 ladders Joel had to "monkey" around. :)

After we got the metal frame down all we had left to get up were the ends, and that meant pulling up the wooden posts....................................................By HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we got down to just getting these 2 last posts up we thought the hard part was over......WRONG!!! Those 2 last post were the hardest to pull up.

Here is a Mac Gyver trick for you. We used this ladder as a plat form to hang a come-along in the air so that we could use it as a winch to pull up these little metal pipe's out of the ground, it got REALLY interesting when we pulled up the pipes that were set in concrete.

When we finally got done, I think Joel was ready to celebrate!! LOL


mallin mom said...

Can't wait to see the greenhouse up! Very exciting. And... how is Joel upside down in that picture?!

Blacksmith Chase said...

Joel did a back flip off the side of his truck.